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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Interesting facts about Camels

Here are some of the interesting facts about camels.
  • Camels are upto 7 feet tall measured upto the shoulder and weigh around 750 Kg.
  • The world camel population is about 19 millions.
  • A camel can drink up to 100 liters of water in just 10 minutes.
  • The weight of the hump of a camel can be upto 40 Kg.
  • Camel can run up to 60 Km/hour for a shorter duration and can run 40 Km/hour for a longer time.
  • Camels can go without water for weeks and for months without food.
  • A Camel is known as Ship of the desert.
  • A male camel is called a bull, a female camel is called as cow and a baby camel is called a calf.
  • Camel's ears are very small but their hearing power is very strong.
  • A camel can eat thorny twigs without hurting its mouth.
  • Camels can drink upto 40 gallons of water in one go.
  • The color of the camel's coat can vary from beige to darn brown.  They shed their heavy winter coat every year.
  • Camels do not store water in their humps, but they store fat in their humps.
  • Camel has a leathery pad on its foot which prevents it from sinking in the sand.  Camel has two toes on each foot.
  • Camel can carry about 1000 pounds.
  • Camel has bushy eye brows to protect from sun.
  • Baby camels are born without a hump.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The blog is quite interesting. the facts are nice and knowledgeable for kids. it could be more informative if some more scientific facts are included.