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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Baby born without blood

I was reading some magazine and read an article about a baby born without blood in her body. I want to share the information for all. Olivia Norton is a baby born with a very very low hemoglobin count. The fluid pumping through her veins can not be considered as blood. The normal hemoglobin level is 18 but Olivia's level was only 3. The baby was born to parents at Broomfield Hospital in Essex. Olivia was born as six weeks premature baby during the month of September, 2011 and she stopped moving in her mother's womb. Her weight was 5 lbs at the time or birth. The mother of Olivia noticed that there were no movements in the baby. She went to meet the doctors and they said it is an emergency case. The doctors said a baby born without blood cannot survive for more than 2 days. But Olivia was given series of blood transfusions and she was alive. After giving lot of blood transfusions, the baby came out of danger and is safe now.

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